Thursday, September 15, 2005


This is an on-going version of CliffNotes for a cross country trip I am about to take. I have no idea how long it will take but I hope to be home for Thanksgiving. I did not use the CliffNotes title for this blog for fear of a law suit.

Here are the objectives of my trip:

•To go to those few states that I have not yet visited, or only visited when two months old, such as Florida, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Oklahoma

•To visit places and cities I have always wanted to see: Carlsbad Caverns, Niagara Falls, Charlestown, Savannah, New Orleans(???), Taos/Santa Fe

•To see some Frank Lloyd Wright landmarks that I have never seen: Taliesin in Wisconsin, Fallingwater, Johnson Wax Building

•One of the main reasons is to visit some of the men who served with my father in his parachute company in World War II. Also, I will visit the army camp where I was born and the D-Day Memorial in Bedford Virginia where his name is on one of the memorial walls. I understand there is not much left of the D-Day Museum in New Orleans.

•And some odd things along the way, such as the world’s largest catsup bottle near St. Louis that I visited this summer and is pictured below.

Also, a three acre topiary garden in South Carolina. If I get within 100 miles of the biggest ball of string in the world, or other such claim to fame, I’ll be there.


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